Landcare Gallery

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The Landcare approach is described by many as:
1. Community based (for decisions and actions) as local groups
2. Improving natural resource management for production and conservation
3. Open to partnerships for information, funding and other opportunities
4. Individual groups autonomous in their management (no hierarchy).

Andrea became a Landcarer in 1994 when the local community formed the Upper Williamson's Creek Landcare Group and she took on the role of Secretary. Since then she has also  held the position of Chairperson and Committee member. In 1997, she was a founding member of the Leigh Catchment Group (LCG), worked as the facilitator for 12 years and is now the Chairperson.

With such a wealth of experience and a keen interest in promoting Landcare to the world she joined the Australian Landcare International Board and has been involved in Landcare training overseas.


Relevant recent experience includes:


Landcare Masterclass, Zambia, December 2016

Scotsburn Phoenix Project - Fire Recovery in the community following #Scotsburn #vicfires particularly for environmental and social outcomes.

Scotsburn Fire Economic Development and Natural Environment subcommittee representations

Climate Change and Landcare, Sebato Catchment, Fiji Australian Landcare International

Statewide Landcare Training - Recruitment and Succession Planning

                                          - Action and Strategic Planning

Landcare training - Action Planning , Glenelg Hopkins CMA

Landcare training - Invigorating Landcare Membership, Corangamite CMA

Biodiversity Fund application ($1.9M)

Landcare Runnings - an Australian Landcare International project in Jamaica,

FindingNorth    Independent and with integrity

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