
Project Brief

City of Ballarat Open Space Strategy

Friends of Royal Park - Committee of Management

Stage 2 of the Concept Plans are now complete after consultations with the Friends of Royal Park Inc, Buninyong Soccer, City of Ballarat and Crown Lands.
This Concept Plan will be put to FoRP, Buninyong soccer and displayed in the public for a short time. Once there is in principle support this and a draft Management Plan will be submitted to Council. There will be an opportunity for further community consultation at that point.
You can see the Stage 2 draft Concept Plan by clicking here (2.4 MB pdf).
RoyalParkStage2 draftConceptPlan Page 1
Hi, currently we have closed Stage 1 of the consultation and now, after further discussions with the City of Ballarat, will start drawing up the Concept Plans.

There will be further community consultation later when the draft plans are ready.


royal park

The City of Ballarat is undertaking a Facilities Plan to strategically assess and provide an indication of infrastructure requirements, landscape opportunities and priorities for Royal Park, Buninyong. 

The plan will seek to protect the character of the reserve and ensure the enhancement of the sporting, social, environmental and heritage values, whilst considering and accommodating the long-term development aspirations of the tenant community groups, clubs and local residents.

Thomson Hay Landscape Architects has been appointed to undertake the plan and will be conducting community engagement sessions with the current stakeholders. Finding North is pleased to part of that team.

We would like to invite all community members to have their say for the future development of Royal Park.



Talia Holloway-Roden, Sport & Recreation Advisor
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 03 5320 5701

Project Brief

The key objective of this project is to complete the Final Facilities Plan for Royal Park that caters for a range of community and possible sporting opportunities whilst enhancing the natural qualities of the site in an environmentally sensitive way. The final plan should:

1.            Develop a Master Plan that has at the forefront the wellbeing and lifestyle of the residents of Buninyong

2.            Review current and future trends, including demographic data that will affect the use of the reserve. (NB: Local participation numbers can be provided)

3.            Analyse existing use of the reserve

4.            Ensure recommendations seek to maximise multi-use of the facilities and ensure they are fully accessible.

5.            Consult with key stakeholders to determine the current and future uses and users of the facilities within the reserve (NB: Council will undertake broader community consultation and can assist in key stakeholder consultation. Initial meetings with current and some perspective tenants of the reserve has already taken place)

6.            Identify the future direction and priorities for the reserve with a set of priority recommendations that are consistent with Council policy, particularly the Recreation, Open Space and Land Use strategies

7.            Investigate the possibility of reactivating the site for organised sport including appropriate soccer facilities

8.            To ensure there is a sufficient provision for short, medium and long term community and physical activity opportunities on the Reserve

9.            Investigate opportunities for shared facilities that promote multi use and take into consideration economically and ‘green’ friendly design

10.          To explore and ensure Sustainable Development & Environmental Design is used throughout the process where possible

11.          To present an opinion of probable cost to develop/improve the facilities

It is expected the plan shall be designed to maximise active and passive, structured and unstructured recreation opportunities and to provide an aesthetic and functional landscaped community open space environment and enhance the character of the reserve whilst complementing a sporting and community precinct.

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